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13 August 2012
Dear Sao Harn Yawnghwe;
With respect and on behalf of my
organizations and the community in Malaysia, I am writing this letter to
request you to clarify us your involvement in IOC and have been received
millions of dollars from the IOC in order to promoting the Bengali, most are
illegal immigrants, issues in Burma and in the international communities in
line with the current Burmese government reform process.
We do not know whether the allegations are
true or not but we are reported you have signed a number agreements with the
IOC to make the so-called Roahingya organizations unity and help them to raise
their issues in order to gain their ethnic status and citizenships. You are
also assisting the Rohingya organizations to have dialogue with U Maung Min led
Union level peace negotiation team.
Our main concerned is you should consult our Arakanese leaders and the community first before you received any funds from the IOC and singed any agreement with it. We are sole representatives and consequences of the Rakhine people so that we are entitled and have rights to know transparent information of the funding and the policy which definitely affects the Arakanese community in the Rakhine State. Indeed, you are not given any legitimacy right of the Arakanese constituency to represent the Arakanses us to sign aush agreement. This essence of legitimacy should be respected.
We are also informed that you are behind the Turkish foreign minter visited to Burma and to the Rakhine State and met the IDPs from both sides, the Rakhine and the Bengali. The $50 million Saudi aids to the Bengalis community in the Rakhine State are outburst after your advised ARU, ARNO, and RSO to approach the IOC. We are in fact blinded on these allegations. Perhaps these can be a half truth or the whole truth we will never been known unless an independent inquiry of conduct is taken places or you sincerely let us know the whole truth, nothing but the truth.
As you well aware of that the founding father nationalities of Burma dreamed the Union strong and united based on the will of justice, peace, equality, and liberty had agreed within the main eight ethnic people, Arakan, Chain, Kachin, Karen, Karanii, Mon and Shan. If this sprit is forced to break and accept the Bengali as ethnic status through the international pressure, the violence, and the political conflicts, Burma is an inch away from the collapse of the Union. We wish you are keen not to see such consequences impeding with one’s own agenda.
In short, I have attached two pictures, the
ARU conference and the signing ceremony between the EBO and IOC where you were
presenting. And, it would be very kind of you to let us know the text of the
agreements and amount of the fund you have received so far from the IOC and
other Arab nations. Thank you.
Maung San Win
General Secretary
Arakan National Supporting Committee and
Arakan Refugee Relief Committee
Kuala Lumpure
e-mail: arrc.kl@gmail.com
CC: EBO-Office and all IOC members, UN,
ASEAN, Myanmar Government and all ethnic organizations.
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